• FAQs

    Runners ask us questions about our club all the time. Listed below you will find some common questions that we are asked. Take a look, they just might answer a few of yours and if they don’t, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to answer any additional questions that you may have.

    • General Questions

      Do I have to be an “Elite” runner to train with the BTC? 


      No, the BTC is made up of many different runners in age and ability levels and everyone is welcome to join. We have several training groups that cater to different types of athletes with a range of ability levels.
      How are you different from other clubs in Boulder? 


      The Boulder Track Club is a 501(c)3 not for profit organization that has over 200 members catering from the youth through to masters in age and then from the recreational to our high performance team in ability. 


      The BTC is committed to the community with numerous charity events that our members work at as volunteers and we offer a number of FREE training runs open to the general public.

      The BTC is run by the community, for the community and representing the community which we believe separates us from the other high quality training groups in Boulder.

    • Training

      What is a typical workout like? 


      Our training sessions vary by group. 


      They typically consist of a 15 – 20 minute warmup followed by intervals on the track, trails, road or hills and the workout concludes with a 15 – 20 minute easy run.

      All of our training groups come together for our Sunday group long run and we even select races that all our club members can do together as a team.